AI will be major focus at Canada’s largest SaaS gathering in Ottawa

Expanding upon last year's inaugural Software as a Service conference, SaaS North, this year's installment will focus heavily on AI…

7 years ago

The systems, securities and solutions behind your everyday transactions

The improved ability of businesses to collaborate is one of the less-spoken of effects of technology, but it affects almost…

7 years ago

What WiFi’s KRACK attack means for you and what you can do about it: interview

Day after day, America is faced with a long list of growing cyber threats. In light of recent hacks, leaks,…

7 years ago

6 ways startup and corporate collaborations fail after they begin: ‘The Corporate Startup’ co-author

Startup and corporate collaborations can fail at least seven ways before they start, but there are six more ways these…

7 years ago

7 ways startup and corporate collaborations fail before they start: ‘The Corporate Startup’ co-author

As Innovation Land 2017 in Medellin, Colombia winds-down Friday, we take a look at how startup and corporate collaborations can…

7 years ago

Paradigm shift: why Millennials are the generation of job hoppers

Looking at the shape of today's modern work environment and you could be mistaken for thinking that Millennials change their…

7 years ago

Hearts and Arrows Diamonds – What Makes Them So Popular?

Even if you are not a great fan of diamonds, you have probably heard about the Hearts and Arrows diamonds.…

7 years ago

‘Uber for…’: the wide selection of On-Demand services thanks to the Sharing Economy

Finding something or someone to fulfill a much-needed service at the drop of a hat has never been easier. On-demand,…

7 years ago

You are losing business by not securing your website

Anyone who has gone through a website redesign could most likely write down a lengthy list of all the decisions…

7 years ago

First coding and now cancer, AI is transforming the healthcare industry

Will cancer ever be cured? This question on Quora left me with so many doubts and fears. Like far too…

7 years ago

3 Logistics Startups Helping Businesses Stay Competitive in the Amazon Era

Many will argue that Jeff Bezos’ plans for world domination have been hidden in plain sight since Amazon revamped its…

7 years ago

Cybercrime, America’s newest number one fear

Fear of falling, torture or being late for work. Americans have a number of fears, which can vary, quite dramatically, from…

7 years ago

Zuckerberg is running for president, even if he never runs: KU interview analysis

Mark Zuckerberg's interview at the University of Kansas on Friday was the moment for those who wonder whether the Facebook CEO…

7 years ago

Why Your Non-Mobile Friendly Website is Costing You Money

OK, we all know that you need to optimize your website for social media.  But what about going mobile?  Well,…

7 years ago

Slovenia’s model of gender equality for economic growth

World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report In a new report published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Slovenia was…

7 years ago

Trust no one: the story of Blockchain and Bitcoin

The story of Bitcoin and blockchain starts with Satoshi Nakamoto, a man (or group) whose identity is a mystery that…

7 years ago

How China’s social rating system can affect you

By 2020, 1.3 billion citizens will be enrolled in a rating system that will rank them by reputation, a system…

7 years ago

The entrepreneur who became Lyft driver to conduct customer research: interview

Grigori Mikayelyan was a failed and an aspiring entrepreneur; furnished with a new idea - and determined to make a success…

7 years ago

Startups and technology to alleviate hangovers from hell

Dry mouth, dizziness and a throbbing head. All the classic signs of a wild night with too much to drink,…

7 years ago

M8 app looks to disrupt online dating by harnessing our inner-Cupids

By focusing on the human element, dating app M8 looks to disrupt a "broken industry" by allowing users to harness…

7 years ago