Technology is inheriting our implicit biases

If the recent events in the US have taught us anything, it's the unfortunate truth that we live in a…

7 years ago

Personalized gifts to impress everyone from friends to co-workers and clients

I used to hate buying presents for people I barely knew. In fact, I hated it so much that eventually…

7 years ago

AI is replacing traditional golf caddie with data-driven results

An "AI caddie" for golfers leverages machine learning to calculate elevation, speed, and wind while boasting improved handicaps over its human counterparts.…

7 years ago

The future of housing: Innovative solutions aimed at easing the housing shortage

As the world population continues to grow at a dangerously unsustainable rate, resources are becoming increasingly scarce, which has begun to…

7 years ago

Global effects of technology will not reduce inequality: report

Talk of artificial intelligence (AI) taking away our jobs and the need for universal income have abounded of late, but…

7 years ago

NASA Cassini probe to go out with blast after 20 years, plunging into Saturn’s atmosphere

Cassini, a probe sent by NASA in 1997 to study Saturn and its 2 moons, Titan and Enceladus - is…

7 years ago

A critical look at public-private partnerships as models for growth

Recently, I published an article about Purdue’s public-private partnership (PPP) with Infosys, designed to bring innovation and 2,000 new jobs…

7 years ago

United For Iran launches app to protect Iranian children from sexual abuse

Like many countries, Iran has its fare share of problems, however, one of the most concerning issues in the middle…

7 years ago

INTERPOL signs data exchange agreement with Palo Alto Networks

Palo Alto Networks is the first cybersecurity company to sign a Data Exchange Agreement with INTERPOL to combat cyber crimes globally.…

7 years ago

The tech company with an entirely different view of health care: Preventative medicine for the tech generation

For the last couple of decades, technology has tackled industry after industry turning each on its head, but healthcare is…

7 years ago

Tech and troubles in the cannabis industry

VC fund Canopy announced recently that they’d be investing $1 million in eight cannabis startups in Boulder, Colorado. (more…)

7 years ago

Instagram tweaks “free speech”, but for money or progress?

Instagram CEO, Kevin Systrom, is using technology to play around with the concept of “free speech” in his 700-million-user strong…

7 years ago

A new hope for women empowerment in Africa

August 2017 marks a new journey towards women empowerment in Africa. (more…)

7 years ago

Animal welfare groups enlist animojis to spread endangered species awareness

The International Fund for Animal Welfare [IFAW] has teamed up with Bare Tree Media to spread awareness about endangered species…

7 years ago

The PC: long overdue design revolution

Why are we still using the same basic design as the Apple II computer, released in 1977? Forty years is a…

7 years ago

The problems of using diagnostic AI in medicine and healthcare

The medical profession has been working very closely with machines for some time now, so what can previous introductions of…

7 years ago

Diversity, Privacy, Immigration and White House Councils: Charlottesville is Nexus Between Rocks and Hard Places Tech CEOs Sit Among

The tech community has been entangled in plethora of political issues including diversity, immigration, data privacy and security - Charlottesville…

7 years ago

Why raising the minimum wage is likely to result in high employment for robots

In developed nations around the world many workers are fighting for a raise for minimum wage in an effort to…

7 years ago

South West England wants to diversify tech by bringing it together

During my time in the South West of England [circa 2010 – 2013] it wasn’t what I would have especially…

7 years ago

What we can expect from virtual reality gaming

If tech celebrities’ reactions to virtual reality (VR) are any indicator of how big this technology will be, then we…

7 years ago