ArsenicTV delivering user-generated media for the wants and needs of generation

The leader of the new wave of Snapchat-based media, Arsenic, has more viewers on Snapchat than MTV has on cable, and the…

9 years ago

A comic book revolution from the man that brought Google to Korea

In 2008, despite an unrivaled dominance over the global internet search scene, Google had barely managed to get a foot…

9 years ago

Hackers ping Islamic State social media accounts to British Govt

A group of hackers report that three social media accounts allegedly belonging to Islamic State supporters have been traced to…

9 years ago

Are Facebook’s censorship policies politically motivated?

During a recent United Nations summit in New York, Mark Zuckerburg was put in the hot seat when German Chancellor,…

9 years ago

Proposed social media legislation in terrorist backlash major privacy concern

Lawmakers in the US have proposed legislation requiring social media platforms to report any online terrorist activity amid freedom of…

9 years ago

Social platforms driving job placements in volatile job markets [Interview]

Job openings continue to increase, and a connected world means Millennials are much closer to a prospective position than ever…

9 years ago

China’s massive animal cloning factory led by disgraced Korean scientist underway

China is building the world’s largest animal cloning factory in the world under the direction of a Korean scientist who…

9 years ago

Newsmeister turns today’s news into fun & engaging mobile quiz

If like me, you find the idea of grown adults playing Candy Crush on the metro abhorrent, then Newsmeister has…

9 years ago

Private data collection: from Facebook apps to generation of microchipped biohackers

Personal data collection by government and corporate interests on social media is no big secret, yet millions of users worldwide…

9 years ago

How Latin America reacts to Paris attacks on social media [Memes]

The attacks in Paris on November 13 have sent a shock-wave throughout the world, including a maelstrom of reactions all…

9 years ago

Social media news filters dominate content as attention spans decline [Interview]

As scientists reveal a shortening of the attention span and an increase of news consumption via social media platforms, new…

9 years ago

London’s ‘Silicon Roundabout’ has become nurturing ground for startups

The tech startup scene in London is booming. Research from British accountancy firm UHY Hacker Young found that from 2013…

9 years ago

Shallow Dives Around The World: Kenya

In this first installment of Shallow Dives Around The World, we will take a not-that-deep look at the trending topics…

9 years ago

How holographic technology might be the key to understanding our minds and the universe

In the heaven of Indra there is said to be a network of pearls so arranged that if you look…

9 years ago

Could Indonesia be the next big tech startup center?

Expected reforms to legislation, combined with recent major investments in the country’s burgeoning tech scene place Indonesia as a major…

9 years ago

When is the best time to get started with PR solution?

“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” Arnold H.…

9 years ago

Controversial cyber-security bill exposes personal data and privacy concerns in US

The controversial data-sharing bill passed by US Senate on Tuesday will allow large corporations to share data with government agencies,…

9 years ago

AI and the Epic of Gilgamesh: Humanity’s 4,000 year quest for immortality made digital

“As for man, his days are numbered, whatever he might do, it is but wind." The Epic of Gilgamesh (more…)

9 years ago

The Waiting Game: How People Planned Night Out Before Smartphones Made Everything Easy

Kevin Granville is the Co-founder and CEO of Cracked Innovations, creators of social meetup app, What Now. The team behind…

9 years ago

A digital ‘magic looking glass’ for sharing updates from social hotspots to the conflict in Ukraine

Sociable's Craig Corbett reviews uCiC, the photo-sharing app with an eye-in-the-sky that allows you to ask users from all over…

9 years ago