Figuring out how fast your mobile data connection is isn’t impossible, just really tricky

Judging how fast your smartphone's Internet connection is (and actually getting a faster mobile connection) is as easy as learning…

12 years ago

Dubliners go 8 bit for free public Wi-Fi

Dublin has gone all 8 bit for the release of its first free public Wi-Fi, with the help of pixel…

12 years ago

Internet outages in Bangladesh may soon become thing of the past

National Internet outages in Bangladesh may soon become a thing of the past as recent evidence suggests that the country…

12 years ago

Rainbow shooting unicorns & the Super Bowl – bringing your #YourBigIdea to the web in 2013

GoDaddy and .CO have gone all out on their ad campaign for this year's Super Bowl - featuring dancing unicorns.

12 years ago

Unprecedented recruitment campaign from Twitter, Google, Facebook & others to entice tech talent to Dublin

Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Symantec, Twitter, and Intel launch a major joint recruitment campaign because they need you to work…

12 years ago

Keeping your info off Facebook’s Graph Search is easy, unless your friends have other ideas

If you want your data to be kept off Facebook's Graph Search then you're going to have to ask your…

12 years ago

Social media measurement conference to be held in Dublin next month

Measurement, a social media measurement conference due to be held in Dublin next month, has announced its final lineup, with…

12 years ago

Twitter warns of “serious chilling effect on free expression” posed by governments

As more governments request access to Twitter's data the company warns that such requests are having "a serious chilling effect…

12 years ago

How Trustev is fighting fraud with social data

One Irish start-up is fighting fraud with with the social web. We speaking to Trustev to see how they're doing…

12 years ago

Google+’s very basic photo analytics can be quite useful

Social networks don't give you many options for analytics but with Google+ you can get an impression of how popular…

12 years ago

New video format, H.265, to ease Internet bandwidth burden

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has approved a new video coding standard known affectionately as H.265, and informally as High…

12 years ago

Twitter gets animated with its latest acquisition, Vine

Twitter has announced its first acquisition of the year - a short video creation service called Vine.

12 years ago

Google Street View & Photo Sphere reveal what it’s like to work in Google

If you've ever wondered what it's like to work in Google then have a look at these Photo Spheres and…

12 years ago

Google calls on governments to be transparent about how & why they request access to citizens’ data

Google has asked international governments to be more open with how they use legal means to get access to users'…

12 years ago

Update: Cuban Internet speeds vastly improve today but access still limited

Updating news from last week, Internet traffic in Cuba was vastly improved today but the country is still far behind…

12 years ago

The Tweeties: an awards night for top Irish Twitter talent

Our regular readers may have become accustomed to us raving about the Web Awards, Social Media Awards, or Blog Awards…

12 years ago

Profile: bitSmith Games. How one start-up is gaming mythology on its road to success

One gaming start-up turned to ancient Celtic mythology for the inspiration for its most successful release - and plans to…

12 years ago

LG: The Nexus 4’s poor release isn’t our fault, Google completely underestimated demand

LG blames Google for the delays in the Nexus 4's roll out but "doesn't want to throw stones." Expects shipments…

12 years ago

Has Cuba activated dormant undersea cable connecting it to the global Internet?

Has Cuba activated a dormant two year old undersea data cable, connecting the island directly to the global Internet? if…

12 years ago

NASA just beamed the Mona Lisa to the Moon – and this is good thing

Why did NASA and MIT send a copy of the 500 year old Mona Lisa into space? And how can…

12 years ago