Gratitudo debuts free app to amplify the ‘7PM Cheer’ for heroes on the frontline

As governments have instituted social distancing policies throughout the world, countless workers in the health care, retail, and service industries…

4 years ago

Pixar and PDI/DreamWorks co-founders to dissect the evolution of CG on ACM webinar

As people around the world pass time in self isolation due to COVID-19 watching classic films like Toy Story and…

4 years ago

10 fun apps to help you stay connected with friends and family from afar

We all are feeling the strangeness of COVID-19 start to set in. Homes are spotless, we’re running out of shows…

4 years ago

Defense biotech research looks to eliminate bacteria causing traveler’s diarrhea, reduce jet lag duration

World traveler's will rejoice at the idea of a seemingly magical device that would guarantee they never suffer from the…

4 years ago

COVID-19 Joint Task Force seeks apps, algorithms and analytics tools from businesses and researchers

The DoD's COVID-19 Joint Task Force is looking to collaborate with the private sector to develop and deploy apps, algorithms,…

4 years ago

FBI warns fraudsters are exploiting COVID-19 pandemic with increased cyberattacks

Over the past week, the FBI has been warning that there has been an increase in cybersecurity threats exploiting the…

4 years ago

Pentagon launches Technology and National Security Fellowship for STEM grads to inform policymakers

The Pentagon launches the Technology and National Security Fellowship for STEM graduates to work alongside policymakers in Congress and the…

4 years ago

How to biohack your body (Part 2) on Brains Byte Back

Following on from last week’s topic of biohacking presented by Mags Tanev, I will be interviewing Josh Clemente, an engineer…

4 years ago

The potential of Greenland’s rare earth minerals over China’s supply chain control

Hidden away beneath the melting ice, Greenland has an abundance of rare earth minerals -- the kind that are used…

4 years ago

‘COVID-19 could become the last pandemic’: 4 DARPA research programs seeking to end threat of pandemic disease

DARPA is looking to leverage several research programs with the aim of ending pandemic disease threats in response to the…

4 years ago

On govts using data surveillance to combat coronavirus: Q & A with The Sociable team

Several countries around the world have started to analyze the location data from citizens’ mobile devices as a means to…

4 years ago

Social media platforms caught up in information overload amid coronavirus pandemic

“That medicine, hydroxychloroquine, it’s working,” said Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro in a video posted on his Facebook page on Sunday,…

4 years ago

Techstars announces new commitments to support global startup community during pandemic

Global startup accelerator Techstars is set to waive specific financial debts and compensate accelerator delays in new commitments during the…

4 years ago

One step back, two steps forward: why quarantine-tested innovation is here to stay

The realities of the COVID-19 pandemic are hitting the United States extremely hard. With infection cases rates skyrocketing and stock…

4 years ago

Abartys Health launches platform that enables faster patient access to coronavirus test results in US

Puerto Rico-based Abartys Health launches an online platform that offers US patients real-time access to their coronavirus test results (and…

4 years ago

How to biohack your body (Part 1) on Brains Byte Back

In this episode of the podcast, Brains Byte Back co-host Mags Tanev interviews two guests on biohacking, discussing everything from…

4 years ago

The challenges of making data-driven decisions in Puerto Rico in times of crisis

Puerto Rico has been in the grips of a financial crisis for over a decade, during which it has experienced…

4 years ago

The benefits of social media detox during lockdown

A recent Twitter poll carried out by Mashable revealed that 75 percent of users noticed that their screen time had…

4 years ago

Engineer gives spacetime-bending forensic analysis of Tic Tac shaped Nimitz UFO video captured by US Navy

An engineer shares his independent forensic analysis of the Tic Tac shaped Nimitz UFO video with The Sociable, highlighting advanced…

4 years ago

‘We don’t want to be at the mercy of Facebook’: social app developer on the importance of filing patents

Filing a patent is an important step towards building the product that you want while providing legal protections to you…

4 years ago