Predictive AI and suicide prevention on Brains Byte Back

In this episode we look at how predictive AI is being used to identify suicide risks before they happen, so…

5 years ago

When cyborgs are given superhuman data collection powers

When human cyborgs are given superhuman powers, they will become data collection machines with all their tiny implants and sensors,…

5 years ago

Hackable humans can become godlike or fall to digital dictators lording over data colonies: WEF insights

While AI and biotech are giving humans godlike abilities to re-engineer life itself, humans are still hackable animals, and the…

5 years ago

Tech arms race ‘will give corporations, governments the ability to hack human beings’: Yuval Harari at WEF

The tech arms race between the US and China will soon give corporations and governments the ability to hack human…

5 years ago

Smartphones and mindfulness on Brains Byte Back

How focused are you right now? Are you aware of the feeling of your feet touching the ground? The air…

5 years ago

China agrees to stop forcing foreign companies to transfer their technology to Chinese companies

China agrees to stop forcing foreign companies to transfer their technology to Chinese companies and agrees to "address" intellectual property…

5 years ago

America is prepping its workforce for industries of the future while trying to reskill its elders

America is prepping its workforce for industries of the future with a new bill, increased r&d funding, and a hearing…

5 years ago

Senate introduces ‘Industries of the Future’ bill to fund $10B annually for AI, biotech, quantum breakthroughs

The Senate introduces the Industries of the Future bill, which would fund $10 billion per year to research AI, biotech,…

5 years ago

The case for green energy’s ascendance with AI and blockchains

Out of the myriad of failed ICO projects and enterprise blockchain investments, some of the more tangible applications of public…

5 years ago

Pompeo to Silicon Valley: ‘Don’t let China use American tech to power Orwellian surveillance state’

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asks Silicon Valley to be smart when dealing with China and to not let…

5 years ago

Why the US is trying to block Huawei’s trans-continental courtship of allies over 5G: perspective

While Huawei is peddling its 5G network to foreign governments, the US government has been warning its allies that the…

5 years ago

From having no running water to running multi-million dollar startup on Brains Byte Back

Finding the motivation to get work done can be hard, especially after a long Christmas break. But our guest today…

5 years ago

US Energy Dept ‘lays foundation for quantum internet’, funds $625M to establish quantum research centers over 5 years

Today the US Department of Energy announces that it is laying the foundation for a quantum internet, and it will…

5 years ago

Congressional report rips China new one on Orwellian use of technology, urges action against egregious human rights abuses

The US Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) tears China to shreds in its annual report citing massive crimes against humanity…

5 years ago

High ranking US officials slated to address ‘industries of the future,’ job creation and automation

Some of the highest ranking officials in the US government's top tech organizations are slated to appear before the Senate Committee…

5 years ago

Tech products, culture are ‘designed intentionally for mass deception’: Ex-google ethicist testifies

The Center for Humane Technology Co-Founder and ex-Google ethicist warns Congress that tech products and culture are "designed intentionally for…

5 years ago

Will Facebook be able to handle joke with new deepfake policy? How about a political one?

As Facebook unveils its new policy on deepfakes, will the social media giant be able to handle a joke and…

5 years ago

AI for natural disaster damage assessment challenge reaches final stages in California

The Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) is moving into the final stages of a competition aimed at automating damage assessments following…

5 years ago

Facebook counterterrorism chief, ex-Google ethicist to educate Congress on digital deception, deepfakes

Facebook's counterterrorism chief will educate Congress on digital deception, along with a former Google ethicist, a law professor, and the…

5 years ago

DARPA gets back to work on developing autonomous ships as Navy pushes for unmanned fleets

While the US Navy continues to push for unmanned fleets, DARPA moves ahead with the No Manning Required, Ship (NOMARS) program,…

5 years ago