Government and Policy

‘Online spread of misinformation, disinformation are now core cybersecurity concerns’: WEF report

What digital antibodies will be mandated to make sure we only see what we’re supposed to see as a matter of cybersecurity? perspective

The unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) and partners declare that the online spread of misinformation and disinformation “are now core cybersecurity concerns,” according to a new report.

Published on December 5, the report, “Cybersecurity Futures 2030: New Foundations,” says that:

“Shoring up trust will be a key goal of cybersecurity efforts over the next decade. The online spread of mis- and disinformation are now core cybersecurity concerns”

The architects of the great reset agenda add:

Cybersecurity will become less about protecting the confidentiality and availability of information and more about protecting its integrity and provenance”

The findings of the report are “based on discussions held at a series of in-person workshops conducted throughout 2023 in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Washington DC (USA), Kigali (Rwanda), New Delhi (India) and Singapore, as well as a virtual workshop with participants from multiple European countries and the United Kingdom,” where four fictitious cybersecurity scenarios taking place around the year 2030 were discussed.

Participants concluded that cyber literacy training and digital security education would be necessary to combat so-called misinformation and disinformation as they were “core cybersecurity concerns.”

According to the report, there is an “urgency for broad cyber literacy training to combat disinformation and garden-variety cybercrime” where “education and awareness of digital security will be critical.”

In other words, doing your own research simply won’t do.

The authors of the report go on to say that “stable governments” could become “trusted brands” in controlling the flow of information to the people:

“Stable governments that follow through on long-term technology and cybersecurity strategies can become trusted ‘brands,’ gaining advantages in attracting talent, seizing leadership opportunities in multilateral standards-setting processes and countering disinformation campaigns”

As we all know, governments are the best authorities to determine what is true and what is disinformation.

In a similar vein, the report says that “In the US, there was much more tension about who is ‘in charge’ of trust – the government or the private sector.”

The authors conclude that the merger of corporation and state would be necessary to bolster cybersecurity and keep misinformation and disinformation at bay if only the right “incentive structures” were in place:

“Agreement that public-private partnerships are imperative to move the needle on combating sovereign and criminal cyberattacks and information operations was accompanied by an equal sense of disillusionment about the feasibility of such partnerships given current incentive structures”

The United Nations (UN) is already lumping “hate speech” with so-called “mis-disinformation” to encourage crackdowns.

According to the UN, “Mis- and disinformation and hate speech are related but distinct phenomena, with certain areas of overlap and difference in how they can be identified, mitigated and addressed.”

Meanwhile, the unelected globalists at the WEF are lumping misinformation and disinformation with cybersecurity in last week’s report.

Now, “Digital security is being reframed as the ability of societies to match the speed of trust with the speed of innovation.”

And how do they propose to gain the trust of society?

According to the report, the public should be “inoculated against mis-, dis- and mal-information:”

“Having a digitally literate public and customer base that is media savvy and inoculated against mis-, dis- and mal-information (MDM) will be a source of strength for organizations that wish to succeed in an era of degrading trust”

The report echoes what WEF founder Klaus Schwab said at the annual cybersecurity preparedness event Cyber Polygon in July, 2021.

During the height of worldwide lockdowns, Schwab likened cybersecurity to health measures, saying:

“We have to protect ourselves not only against the virus, we also have to develop the ability to withstand a virus attack.
“In other words, masks are not sufficient. We need vaccines to immunize ourselves.
“The same is true for cyberattacks. Here, too, we have to move from simple protection to immunization.
“We need to build IT infrastructures that have digital antibodies built-in inherently to protect themselves”

The Moscow-based Cyber Polygon exercise was postponed in 2022, and a future date has not yet been set.

Previous editions were focused on prepping for cyber pandemic that the WEF says is not a matter of if it will occur, but when.

At this year’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, WEF managing director Jeremy Jurgens said that based on a survey they conducted with business and cyber leaders:

“Geopolitical instability makes a catastrophic cyber event likely in the next two years”

At Cyber Polygon 2020, Jurgens said he believed that there would be another crisis, and that it would spread much faster than COVID.

“I would anticipate that when we do see this next crisis, it will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID,” said Jurgens, adding, “the exponential growth rate will be much steeper, the impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.”

Now that misinformation is mixed with cybersecurity, what measures will be taken to inoculate the public?

What digital antibodies will be mandated to make sure we only see what we’re supposed to see as a matter of core cybersecurity?

Image by World Economic Forum/Thibaut Bouvier on Flickr

Tim Hinchliffe

The Sociable editor Tim Hinchliffe covers tech and society, with perspectives on public and private policies proposed by governments, unelected globalists, think tanks, big tech companies, defense departments, and intelligence agencies. Previously, Tim was a reporter for the Ghanaian Chronicle in West Africa and an editor at Colombia Reports in South America. These days, he is only responsible for articles he writes and publishes in his own name.

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